Not your typical earth’s layers diagrams….
Having students design their own Earth’s-layer models is always a fun, creative project. Among some of the most common entries are the Styrofoam ball, model clay like the one at the CRAFTYCLASSROOM, the tried and true colored paper model and even a creative model on a slice of tree (aka tree cookie-see pic).. Teachers are also great at helping students imbed foldables or interactive note version into their notes. ……3D Model of Earth’s Layers

However, my favorite category of turned-in projects are of the tasty variety. I, along with the ENTIRE CLASS have enjoyed many Earth-layered desserts. Some made from Rice Crispy treats, others formed from many cupcakes, and a Real edible Earth’s Layers Cake (like the one in the link-but student created) that took a VERY long time! Below, I will showcase some of MY STUDENT’S creations. This was due to using different colored cakes for EACH Earth-layer. I’ve even had layered pudding and yogurt desserts!

MODEL Edible Earth Layers-For Starters
For demonstration purposes, in class, I use simple food models such as a hard boiled egg. Sounds boring right? BUT this is great at comparing the thinness of Earth’s crust,(shell) the relative thickness of the mantle (Egg white), and the solid, inner core, (yolk).
A yummy alternative to the boring hardboiled egg is a single peanut M&M candy model. This much easier-to-prepare model does the trick and offers a delicious, although small reward for identifying its relative Earth-layers. (But I must be aware of peanut allergies for this one!) You can also spend a little money and purchase small snack size packages and have your students follow along while you explain or have them investigate the properties of each layer.
I’ve had students submit other fun and tasty projects such as a peach, and a BOLOGNA SANDWICH! YES! (See the pic!)

Keep reading for MORE EXCITING and DECADENT ideas
A variety of Layered Earth Cake and Goodies

Students simply submit some wonderfully creative models of Earth’s layers. A Layered Earth Cake may sound easy, but it’s actually challenging because in order to represent the layers with different colors, it requires mixing, coloring, baking and layering multiple cakes! That’s a lot of extra “layered” effort! But alas, they follow through and present a fun and delicious project. And these are the projects that students won’t soon forget! A teacher’s dream!
But the traditional cake-in-a-pan is not the only “cake” that has been utilized! Students have also created a model using several cupcakes! In fact, well over 50 cupcakes! The arrangement is simple once the cupcakes are done, but baking nearly 5 dozen cupcakes is a time-consuming task. And to literally “top it off” spreading the frosting in multiple colors is just another drill that requires so much time. This is why assigning your students to choose their own model as a project is a win-win! No one, (INCLUDING YOU, THE TEACHER) is being forced to spend all this time, but some students really enjoy it! The finished product is AMAZING!
Similar to the cakes and cupcakes, there are amazing displays of cookie Earth Layer Models. Again, a TON of work, but some students- and their parents are totally game to fulfilling this requirement in Earth Science! And again, it’s a memorable project both in life and for EARTH SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE!
And of course we can’t leave out the good ol’ crispy cereal treats! These are easy to mix up, and mold into shape- and perfect for modeling the LAYERS of EARTH! OOOH! The kids are so ready and willing to model Earth’s Layers!

AHHHH— To be an Earth Science teacher is SUCH A FUN JOB! The kids are so ready and willing to model Earth’s Layers!
Layers of Earth Science Project-LEVELED UP!
My True Intentions-Earth’s Layers Crust

After many years of assigning this project, I was ready to level up!
I mean, the cakes and cookies are fabulous but could there be another way? Some delicious treat I have not thought of? I put my brain to work and even asked my high school aide.
My intention has always been for my students to truly comprehend Earth’s layers, their relative sizes, and unique properties, while still wanting them to create an analogy comparing layers of Earth to something that is FAMILIAR to them.
I know it’s not my job to feed the middle school animals….but I enjoy providing a rich and filling experience.
One peanut candy is not enough to satisfy hungry growing adolescents -in tummies OR brains. And a hard boiled egg makes a great analogy for relative size of each layer, but lacks in deliciousness and desirableness.
Cakes and sweet treats as models LACK MANY PARALLELS such as a solid inner core, and properties that can represent the properties of the layers (even loosely).
So what I—-the students—-really NEEDED in a lesson about Earth’s-layers is the ability to form each layer (controlling the thicknesses), WHILE being able to draw other parallels from their model layers to the properties of the actual Earth-layers. If such a model could be consumed as a delicious treat then what a bonus that would be!
Then I HIT EARTH-LAYER GOLD-in the 3D Earth’s Layers Model Department
At last, the lightbulb moment I’d been waiting for–Nachos! My high-school teacher’s aide gets much of the credit. I asked him what kind of snack did everyone like that had layers? He immediately spit out the idea of Nachos. A satisfying treat that can be assembled by all students, and eaten by all as well.
I will relay some ideas for making it happen in YOUR classroom…as it can cost quite a bit to acquire all of the ingredients. To offset the cost, it’s easy to have students sign up to bring one item such as a can of refried beans, a bag of tortilla chips and a jar of salsa. (I buy a large can of Que Bueno Cheese Sauce from Costco, and it lasts for all my classes. (Approximately $14) But you could assign the cheese sauce out too. If you work in a low socio-economic area, and donations are not possible, I have a feeling your admin would be willing to use school dollars for some or all of this! IT NEVER HURTS TO ASK!
I use small, 5 oz Clear Cups from Walmart so the students can see their layers and it is a great cup in which to make NACHO DIP.
1.We start with the inner core: We use refried beans. an iron-rich solid center. However, it is theorized that the inner core behaves like a solid from all of the pressure, but is in-fact liquid due to its extremely hot temperature. Guess what ELEMENT happens to be abundant in refried beans? If you guessed IRON, you’d be right! (Just like Earth’s INNER CORE!) It is also a solid, but can take the shape of the cup it is in when pressure is applied, similar to the Earth’s core.
2. The next layer is the outer core. This is the THICKEST layer and also VERY HOT! I use hot nacho cheese sauce purchased at Costco. But large cans of nacho cheese sauce can be purchased at most stores. (Look on the bottom row) It is well-known that the outer core is an extremely hot liquid layer that takes up much of the space between the mantle and the core. I keep the cheese sauce in a crock pot brewing all day, to keep that point well-represented.
3. The layer surrounding the outer core is the asthenosphere part of the mantle. We use salsa (picante) sauce for this layer. This layer is less hot and cooling, and is described as semi-liquid. So, the chunky variety of salsa can be compared to a semi-liquid state. There could also be a comparison made to the temperature/spiciness of this layer. (Your students will be able to come up with many ideas)
4. Finally, the Lithosphere/Crust layer is a nice layer of rock-hard tortilla chips. This is pretty self-explanatory, but such a great top-off to the analogy, because students can actually crush, or break the chips into pieces that look like rocks and rock pieces.
Of course, this project is a great lab that can be leveled to be as easy, or as difficult as your students need it to be.
The assignment I designed includes the “Nacho Building” portion, but also 3 other stations to help crowd control. Having everyone crowding around the nacho station is NOT productive!
As a bonus I’ve included the demo with chocolate peanut candy.
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Also check out my other great science resources for middle school!